divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

The glove which inflates

Els alumnes de l' optativa Little investigations us saluden amb bon humor i molta ciència des del laboratori del centre. Aquí els teniu.

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011

Els de 2on d'ESO ja roden sols pel taller de Tecnologia!

En el taller de tecnologia a 2n d'ESO enguany treballem els metalls.
L'objectiu d'aquest trimestre és construir un organitador d'escriptori amb llaunes d'ús alimentari. A partir d'un primer esbòs i un croquis, d'una correcta planificació de la ruta de treball, d'escollir correctament el material i les eines i de redactar una fitxa final del projecte aconseguirem fer un projecte com cal.

dilluns, 3 d’octubre del 2011

Harrod's department store - 2on ESO



In Brompton Road, which leads off Knightsbridge, you will find the most famous and most expensive store in London, Harrod's.
Harrod's began life 154 years ago as a grocery shop concentrating on quality goods. Today the food halls alone fill seven rooms, then there are another 60 fashion departments to visit.


You only have £600 to spend in presents for some members of your family. Visit the Harrod's online store and choose some items. Write a sentence explaining your choices and who are the people you are buying them for.



Parts of the house - 1er ESO



Answer the questions by visiting the links below


1.- Which are the parts of your house?

2.- Where do you sleep?

3.- Where do you eat lunch or dinner?

4.- Where can you cook?

5.- Where can you have a shower or a bath?

6.- Name some things you can see in your bedroom and in your dining room?

7.- Name some things you can see in your kitchen and in your bathroom?

8.- Which is the most important room for you in your house? Why?

http://www.saberingles.com.ar/lists/house.html - Parts of a house

http://www.englishlearner.com/tests/house1.html - A crossword puzzle

http://www.saberingles.com.ar/games/hangman/06.html - Hangman game